Urdu Translation of Rules & Manners of Zakah مختصر زکوة کے احکام و مسائل
Urdu Translation of Rules & Manners of Zakah مختصر زکوة کے احکام و مسائل
Compilation of Various Scholars | Translator: Tariq Ali Brohi | Darimi Publications
The beauty and perfection of the religion of Islaam is that it consists of such Pillars and orders which are established with the Creator of the universe on the one hand and with the created on the other hand.
Islaam orders to maintain the collective life in every situation while protecting the individuality of the individual. Among its basic Pillars, there is no such Pillar in which the collective life with individuality is forgotten. One of the main Pillars of the Five is Zakat.
In the Arabic language, the word “Zakat” is used in the sense of purity, increase and blessing. While in Shariah, Zakat is a specific part of a specific property that is given to specific people. It is said that it purifies the giver’s soul and makes his property pure and blessed. After prayer, the most important order of Islam is to pay Zakat. Paying it is obligatory and is one of the five basic pillars of Islam on which the religion is based. There are countless benefits of paying Zakat and disadvantages of not paying it. Its rulings and issues are described in detail in the Holy Qur’an and the Prophetic Hadiths. Whoever denies its obligation is surely a disbeliever and liable to be killed. The under-commented book “Zakat Short Rules and Problems” is compiled by Abu Abdullah Inayatullah Sanabli Madani. In which the meaning and significance of Zakat, its importance, curriculum, the reality of Zakat, its types and its expenses have been explained in the light of Quran and Sunnah. May Allah Ta’ala make this book profitable for the people and accept all the research, writing, invitation and preaching services of the author. Amen.